Category: Comptabilité de la Soutenabilité

For an accounting translation of the Anthropocene: fuelling the debate on planetary boundaries

In this paper, researcher Richard Jabot seeks to problematize the need for debate in operationalizing the planetary boundaries framework when accounting for the Anthropocene. The paper’s aim is achieved through a literature review focusing on the assumptions around the Anthropocene, planetary boundaries and organizations. The author conducted an integrated review of 91 documents discussing the […]


Authors  Wafa Khlif, Finn Janning and Coral Ingley have published a chapter (Looking through a glass darkly – transparency as a misguided regulatory instrument in corporate governance) in the book Sustainability in Public Procurement, Corporate Law and Higher Education. The  book sheds light on contemporary changes in law and Policy at the global level to efficiently […]

Comment naissent les professions? Un exemple avec la comptabilité carbone.

Comment naissent les professions? Un exemple avec la comptabilité carbone.

Institutional work in the birth of a carbon accounting profession Within the emergent professional field of carbon accounting, the authors analyse the institutional work that gives birth to a nascent profession in a multi-actor arena, contributing to enhancing our understanding of the birth of professions – in their very first steps and infancy.The study employs […]

Développement durable: mesure et transparence vous paraissent insuffisants? Découvrez la gouvernance organique

Développement durable: mesure et transparence vous paraissent insuffisants? Découvrez la gouvernance organique

For more information, please visit the following link: Systemic sustainability: toward an organic modelof governance—a research note Wafa Khlif, professeure, Dr/HDR Linkedin Lotfi Karoui, EM Normandie Coral Ingley, AUT Auckland Systemic sustainability: toward an organic modelof governance—a research note. Limits of measurement and transparency The authors of this paper point out that the increasing pressure […]

Comment les cultures indigènes peuvent-elles contribuer à résoudre les problèmes complexes auxquels nous sommes confrontés ?

Comment les cultures indigènes peuvent-elles contribuer à résoudre les problèmes complexes auxquels nous sommes confrontés ?

Let’s have a look at the social and environmental accounting in the Pacific region.