Tag: Sustainable development

Environmental Management Accounting: The Missing Link to Sustainability?

This paper explores the relationship between Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) and sustainability, emphasizing the potential contribution of EMA to achieving sustainability goals. It discusses the need for further research in this area, presents avenues for investigation, and highlights the importance of integrating EMA with environmental and social sustainability considerations, particularly in the context of planetary […]

“The seeds we grow will always need people to water them”: A study of strong sustainability management in an energy cooperative

This article investigates an organization’s efforts to manage strong sustainability using management control devices such as indicators, budgets, and tools for reporting, deliberating, and decision-making. The study, based on interviews and non-participant observations within a cooperative involved in sustainable energy production, reveals the challenges the cooperative faces in balancing its conflicting objectives while using these […]

Leveraging stakeholder engagement for market value growth: Empirical evidence on sustainable development leadership in Europe

This study analyzes the impact of sustainable development leadership on firm performance. The context of the empirical analysis is the European region between 2010 and 2018. Sustainable development leaders are defined as the firms included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for Europe. To control for endogeneity problems caused by self-selection bias in the sample, […]

Développement durable: mesure et transparence vous paraissent insuffisants? Découvrez la gouvernance organique

Développement durable: mesure et transparence vous paraissent insuffisants? Découvrez la gouvernance organique

For more information, please visit the following link: Systemic sustainability: toward an organic modelof governance—a research note Wafa Khlif, professeure, Dr/HDR Linkedin Lotfi Karoui, EM Normandie Coral Ingley, AUT Auckland Systemic sustainability: toward an organic modelof governance—a research note. Limits of measurement and transparency The authors of this paper point out that the increasing pressure […]

Comment le monde académique peut-il s’impliquer davantage avec la société pour répondre aux problèmes urgents et complexes du monde?

Comment le monde académique peut-il s’impliquer davantage avec la société pour répondre aux problèmes urgents et complexes du monde?

Promoting Engaged Scholarship for Sustainability Regionally: The Case of the PRME France- Benelux Chapter