Category: Axes de recherche

Auditeurs: Quelles sont les qualités émotionnelles requises pour persévérer dans “l’enfer de l’audit” ?

Auditeurs: Quelles sont les qualités émotionnelles requises pour persévérer dans “l’enfer de l’audit” ?

Bonding forged in “auditing hell”: The emotional qualities of Big Four auditors This article investigates how auditors come to make a longer-term commitment to their profession through coping with the demands and intensity of working in the Big Four firms. Through analysis of ethnographic data and thirty-one interviews, we show that the difficulties of team […]

Comment les cultures indigènes peuvent-elles contribuer à résoudre les problèmes complexes auxquels nous sommes confrontés ?

Comment les cultures indigènes peuvent-elles contribuer à résoudre les problèmes complexes auxquels nous sommes confrontés ?

Let’s have a look at the social and environmental accounting in the Pacific region.

Etes-vous Sisyphe? Ou comment poursuivre le Développement Durable dans un contexte peu réceptif.

Etes-vous Sisyphe? Ou comment poursuivre le Développement Durable dans un contexte peu réceptif.

How to cope when you want to pursue Sustainable Development in an unresponsive context? In our current times, sustainability is more and more prominent in the public debate.  Taking action around global issues such as climate change is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. While we see responses and actions (e.g., youth taking action for the […]

Comment remporter un contrat de service public sans tout mettre sur le dos de vos salariés?

Comment remporter un contrat de service public sans tout mettre sur le dos de vos salariés?

How to win a Public Service Contract (PSC) without putting the burden on your employees? Being the winner of a Public Service Contract (PSC) is a major success for a company, especially for a small and medium firm. And when the awarding of PSCs is mostly based on the lowest price, leading to higher rebates, […]

Êtes-vous prêt à divulguer des informations environnementales ?

Êtes-vous prêt à divulguer des informations environnementales ?

Are your ready to disclose environmental information? International sustainability initiatives can help. The impacts that companies have on the natural environment are gaining interest from the general public. But if, as a consequence, companies are publishing increasing quantities of environmental information (i.e. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water consumption, volumes of waste generated, biodiversity),  there is still […]