Et si les accidents du travail avaient une influence négative persistante sur la performance financière?

Labour accidents and financial performance: empirical analysis of the type of relationship in the Spanish context.

This study performs empirical research and finds a negative relationship between accidents in the workplace and financial performance. The relationship is stronger and more persistent for performance 1 year ahead than for the current year.

The researchers find no significant evidence of curvilinear U-shaped or inverted U-shaped relationships. Results are strong across different industries and samples, variable definitions and model specifications. The study contributes to the scarce extant research with reliable data and samples of a wide span of industries.

The research also contributes methodologically with refined analyses of the curvilinear relationship and providing robust widespread inference for a large number of industries.

This article was published in International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics.

For more information, please visit the following link: Labour accidents and financial performance: empirical analysis of the type of relationship in the Spanish context.


Diego Ravenda, professeur associé, Dr
Josep Maria Argiles-Bosch, Universitat de Barcelona
Josep Garcia-Blandon, Universitat Ramon Llull

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