Chapter 4: Building new theories and a specific concept for boards of directors: the practicholar research design

This chapter suggest a collaborative research design for corporate governance research that not only integrates interaction but also joint theory and concept building, with practice. The proposed research design builds bridges for reflection between scholars and practitioners, while offering relevant processes and a systematic approach to theory and concept building. The authors call the design Practicholar, which goes further than case study and action research methodologies and offers a design that promotes interaction and facilitates collaboration. The proposed research design enables understanding of new and complex phenomena in real-life situations and expands knowledge of phenomena in their specific context. This innovative research design aims for the development of corporate governance research by collaborative efforts among scholars and practitioners.

Authors: Daniel Yar Hamidi and Wafa Khlif

This chapter is published in Handbook of Research Methods for Corporate Governance

For more information, please access the following link: Chapter 4: Building new theories and a specific concept for boards of directors: the practicholar research design

Wafa Khlif, professeure, Dr/HDR
Daniel Y. Hamidi, Dr, University of Boras

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