Category: Axes de recherche

Des effets de l’infiltration mafieuse sur la performance des marchés publics.

Des effets de l’infiltration mafieuse sur la performance des marchés publics.

The effects of mafia infiltration on public procurement perofrmance. In this paper, the researchers examine the effects of Mafia infiltration on public procurement performance, based on a sample of 68,063 public work contracts (PWC) awarded by Italian municipalities over the period2012–2017.  687 PWC are identified as Mafia-infiltrated, either because of being awarded by municipal councils […]

Comment naissent les professions? Un exemple avec la comptabilité carbone.

Comment naissent les professions? Un exemple avec la comptabilité carbone.

Institutional work in the birth of a carbon accounting profession Within the emergent professional field of carbon accounting, the authors analyse the institutional work that gives birth to a nascent profession in a multi-actor arena, contributing to enhancing our understanding of the birth of professions – in their very first steps and infancy.The study employs […]

Du code d’éthique au comité d’éthique: le choix du conseil d’administration

Du code d’éthique au comité d’éthique: le choix du conseil d’administration

For more information, please visit the following link: Board-level ethics committees in large European firms For more information, please visit the following link: Board-level ethics committees in large European firms Diego Ravenda, professeur associé, Dr Linkedin Josep Garcia-Blandon, Universitat Ramon Llull David Castillo-Merino, Universitat Ramon Llull Josep Maria Argiles-Bosch, Universitat de Barcelona Board-level ethics committees […]

Comment vivre les tensions entre recherche et pratique quand on est un chercheur engagé? Quelques pistes.

Comment vivre les tensions entre recherche et pratique quand on est un chercheur engagé? Quelques pistes.

Bridging Research-Practice Tensions: Exploring Day-to-Day Engaged Scholarship Investigating Sustainable Development Challenges This paper adds to literature on engaged scholarship by exploring how previous experience, study expectations, and multiple identities are key factors that shape how management researchers perceive and experience the research-practice divide in sustainable development research. Highlighting ways to navigate tensions in engaged scholarship, […]

Les questions de genre sont-elles prises en compte par la gestion des talents dans le domaine de la fiscalité ?

Les questions de genre sont-elles prises en compte par la gestion des talents dans le domaine de la fiscalité ?

This chapter was published in Journal of Tax Administration For more information, please visit the following link: Addressing gender issues through the management of tax talent Matthew Sorola, professeur assistant, Dr Linkedin Dionysios Karavidas, University of Limerick Martin Laheen, University of Limerick Addressing gender issues through the management of tax talent.