This study analyzes the impact of sustainable development leadership on firm performance. The context of the empirical analysis is the European region between 2010 and 2018. Sustainable development leaders are defined as the firms included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for Europe. To control for endogeneity problems caused by self-selection bias in the sample, […]
Tag: Firm Performance
Existe-t-il un lien entre l’enracinement managérial et la performance de l’entreprise? Une recherche du côté des entreprises familiales tunisiennes.
Firm performance and managerial entrenchment: the case of Tunisian family firms. This study aims to verify empirically, in the case of a group of family firms in Tunisia, the effect of managerial entrenchment on firms’ performance. The results of the principal component regression show that the entrenchment concept is well explained by two dimensions: ‘experience […]
Comment remporter un contrat de service public sans tout mettre sur le dos de vos salariés?
How to win a Public Service Contract (PSC) without putting the burden on your employees? Being the winner of a Public Service Contract (PSC) is a major success for a company, especially for a small and medium firm. And when the awarding of PSCs is mostly based on the lowest price, leading to higher rebates, […]