Early career seminar : 50 How-to-Get-Published Research Rules of the Game Présentation du Pr. Niamh M. Brennan – Jeudi 11 mars 2022, de 15h à 16h30. Salle 311 (Lascrosse) Online : https://tbs-education-fr.zoom.us/j/86898962996?pwd=QXhzTHlmY2I3T2t3MHkvM2F5VWpTQT09 There are several basic, and at times minor, pedantic principles required to successfully publish in good-quality international peer-reviewed journals. These are what I call […]
Tag: Engagement
Êtes-vous un chercheur engagé ?
Accounting Research: interdisciplinarity, engagement, impact Présentation du Pr. Charles Cho – 26 novembre 2021. The topic is about accounting research but could apply to any academic disciplinary research. From the Interdisciplinary Accounting Research (IAR), interdisciplinarity is a mode of research by teams or individuals that integrates information, data, theories, etc. from two or more disciplines […]
Auditeurs: Quelles sont les qualités émotionnelles requises pour persévérer dans “l’enfer de l’audit” ?
Bonding forged in “auditing hell”: The emotional qualities of Big Four auditors This article investigates how auditors come to make a longer-term commitment to their profession through coping with the demands and intensity of working in the Big Four firms. Through analysis of ethnographic data and thirty-one interviews, we show that the difficulties of team […]