Quelles “règles du jeu” pour être publié ?
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Early career seminar : 50 How-to-Get-Published Research Rules of the Game
Présentation du Pr. Niamh M. Brennan – Jeudi 11 mars 2022, de 15h à 16h30. Salle 311 (Lascrosse)
Online : https://tbs-education-fr.zoom.us/j/86898962996?pwd=QXhzTHlmY2I3T2t3MHkvM2F5VWpTQT09
There are several basic, and at times minor, pedantic principles required to successfully publish in good-quality international peer-reviewed journals. These are what I call the “rules of the game”. Many are so basic, so taken-for-granted, tacit knowledge, that at times supervisors do not tell their students about them. I have assembled 100 PhD and 100 research rules of the game from my work over many years with doctoral students and early-career researchers [Brennan, 2019a, 2019b]. Each rule is accompanied by some further short guidance. This seminar extracts 50 rules of the game focussed on how to get published. There are many other rules of the game not included my 100 research rules of the game.
Brennan, Niamh M. [2019a] 100 PhD Rules of the Game to Successfully Complete a Doctoral Dissertation, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 32(1): 364-376
- Brennan, Niamh M. [2019b] 100 Research Rules of the Game: How to Make your Research World Class; How to Successfully Publish in Top International Refereed Journals, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 32(2): 693-706.
Professor of Management, University CollegeDublin
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