Environmental Management Accounting: The Missing Link to Sustainability?

This paper explores the relationship between Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) and sustainability, emphasizing the potential contribution of EMA to achieving sustainability goals. It discusses the need for further research in this area, presents avenues for investigation, and highlights the importance of integrating EMA with environmental and social sustainability considerations, particularly in the context of planetary boundaries.

For further information, please access the following link: https://doi.org/10.1080/0969160X.2018.1437057

This paper is published in SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY JOURNAL, 2018 VOL. 38, NO. 1, 1–18 Perspectives in Accounting

Authors: Delphine GIBASSIER and Simon ALCOUFFE

Simon ALCOUFFE, Professor, TBS Education, Toulouse, France
Delphine GIBASSIER, Professor, TBS Education, Toulouse, France

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